I have been gradually gathering a collection of practical tools for those wishing to enter the path of self development. There are endless books, testimonies, teachings, and training workshops available to those who seek to know themselves better and wish to become alchemists in their lives. I will continue to recommend and update more content in the future, enjoy!
Recommended books
Richard Bach: Illusions- The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, One, The Bridge Across Forever
Elisabeth Haich: Initiation, Sexual Energy and Yoga
Jane Roberts: Seth Speaks
Eckhart Tolle: A New Earth
Vianna Stibal: Theta Healing
Joe Vitale: Zero Limits
Deepak Chopra: Buddha
Brandon Bays: The Journey
Ramtha: The White Book
Dr. Eric Pearl: Reconnection
Anita Moorjani: Dying to Be Me
T. Spalding: Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
Claire Heartsong: Anna, Grand Mother of Jesus
Eugene T Gendlin: Focusing
Brian Weiss: Many Lives, Many Masters
Anastasia - The Ringing Cedars by Vladimir Megre
Recommended movies
Lucy by Luc Besson
What Dreams May Come - Robin Williams
Nosso Lar - Chico Xavier
Terms of Endearment with Shirley MacLaine
Mooji videos
Gaia TV - Matias de Stefano
Nick Nolte Peaceful Warrior
Matrix, entire series
Avatar animated show, especially episode 39